Xinia is a member of the Banco Mujer Alàglowà Shkbölö, a group of indigenous women. In their Bribrí dialect, the name means "Hardworking Women".
Xinia is 42 years old, married, and could not have children due to health problems. She makes a living by raising chickens and pigs, and her plan is to invest her loan in the purchase of these animals and food for them.
She has had three loans with Kiva, which she has used to begin and strengthen her business. This brings her economic independence, self-confidence, and, most importantly, allows her to feel useful and to contribute to the household expenses.
Her goal is to increase the production and fattening of her animals and supply them to nearby communities. Along with Xinia, there are 4 other members who will invest in agricultural activities.
In this group: Xinia, Evangelina, Evelyn, Claudia, Isabel
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Meghan Rishel. View original language description.