A loan helped to buy certified potato seeds and farm supplies.

Maria Antonia's story

Maria is 34 years old, married, and has 5 children. She has been a housewife and farmer for many years. She has a primary school education thanks to the support of her parents who taught her and supported her so that she could study. Her parents were the ones who taught her to farm potatoes, corn, beans, coffee, and other crops since many generations of her family have been farmers, mainly potato farmers.

Her customers are the people to whom she sells in the community market in the zone where she lives. She owns the land on which she, her husband, and her young children work, and they walk 1 hour and 30 minutes a day to get there.

She has requested a loan from the group COMIXMUL to buy certified potato seeds, manure, fertilizer, and other things to be able to plant and harvest a quality, attractive product for her customers.

Her plans and dreams are to continue building wealth for her children so that they will have land where they can live and work, and also to improve her home with plaster.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Meghan Rishel.

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