A loan helped to settle the tuition fees of his son, Ahmad, who was born in 1995 and is in his last academic year studying computer science.

Youssef's story

Youssef is a 41-year-old married father of four children. He is a Palestinian refugee living and working in Lebanon. He is employed in a manufacturing business that produces concrete for construction. His wife is unemployed and all of his children have not yet completed their studies, which means that his low salary is the only financial resource of the family.

Three of his children are enrolled in public schools, while his oldest son studies at a private technical school. Youssef can barely provide for the food expenses of the family, which means that any other additional expense is a burden.

Thus, he decided to contact Al Majmoua and acquire a loan in order to settle the tuition fees of his son, Ahmad, who was born in 1995 and is in his last academic year studying computer science, on top of maintaining the family car. As for the future, Youssef hopes to launch his own concrete business and become the owner of it.

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