A loan helped a member to buy potash and rice seed for replanting.

Sary's Group's story

Sary, a 51-year-old mother of six children, is a widow who struggles in earning a living via rice farming. Besides this agribusiness, she works at a construction site for extra income. The current business has returned her about 28,900 KHR (Cambodian riels) per day.

This is the sixth-time loan for Sary with VisionFund (Kiva’s partner). Sary has fully repaid her past loan wisely, and she manages to provide sufficient food for her kids. Now, she leads a group of four to apply for a new loan. As the leader, she will spend her loan portion to buy potash and rice seed for replanting. She hopes to make more income in order to expand her business on a bigger scale.

In this group: Sary, Bopha, Kun, Chantha

Loan details

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