A loan helped a member to purchase fertilizer to cultivate corn.

Flor Del Cafe Group's story

Jose Maria is 54 years old and is married. He did not have the opportunity to study as his parents were of scare economic resources. He has 4 children and 2 of them are studying. He cultivates corn for a living. He began his this business planting some seedling cornfields and to date has 10 years of experience, with the support of his wife.

He decided to organize a group in order to request a loan that will allow him to purchase fertilizer to cultivate corn. In the future he wants to have more land to be able to plant not only corn but also coffee, as it is a crop that brings good earnings. The rest of the members of the group grow corn and coffee for a living.

In this group: Jose Maria, Arturo, Mario, Isrrael, Marcos, Ramiro, Israel, Perfecto Eleuterio, Gabriel, Oscar, Roselia, Cruz Luis, Ruben, Rosalio

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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