A loan helped to pay tuition fees for an undergraduate degree in Bachelor of Business Information Technology at Strathmore University.

George Githiri's story

George is a student at Strathmore. This is his story.
My name is George; a first born in a family of three. My mother passed away in 2004.
I have always wanted to study information technology and become an expert in that area - but I do not have the means to afford university education to pursue a degree course. My father, who is a painter, depends on casual labour to take care of the family and with his meager earnings which is hand to mouth and there is nothing to save for my university education.
I am glad to have been selected for KIVA loan, which will finance my studies at Strathmore University so that I can realize my dreams of becoming an Information Technology specialist. There was no other way that I could have pursued my University education were it not for KIVA loan. I feel like I have stepped into my dream. While at Strathmore I will take part in Campus KIVA activities and bring positive change to the lives of other. In Future I also intend to give to KIVA by being a lender on KIVA website.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

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