A loan helped to pay tuition fees for an undergraduate degree in Law at Strathmore University.

Phyllis's story

My name is Phyllis. I am the third born of three children born to a single mother here in Nairobi. I have always had the passion for pursuing law but in recent times, I learnt more about the concept of digital law. In the time that I have been out of school, I have engaged in activities that have resolved even more clearly my desire to join the Strathmore Law program. I have worked tirelessly with Creative Commons, an organization that has redefined the licensing methodologies in the Internet. I am the lead of the School of Open Initiative in Kenya, which is work that deals with introducing young high school students to Open Educational Resources that they can take advantage of in the Internet.
However, I am unable to raise the funds to study at Strathmore University because my family is not financially endowed with the capacity to cater for my fees. Attending law school will sharpen me more on the issues of Intellectual property, as I believe the future for Africa’s children is the provision of Open licensed resources. The KIVA loan will not only make my dreams come true, it will give me a lee way to form a basis for the future of Africa’s learning environment.

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