A loan helped to purchase calves.

Malik's story

Malik buys, raises and resells cattle. He is a middle-aged man. He was born in a village in Isfara. He is married and has three children. His wife works at a local farm. His oldest son is working abroad in Russia. His youngest is still in school, but always helps his parents with household work.

Malik has been working with Arvand for over three years. When he first approached the Arvand organization, he only had one cow. After receiving a loan, he purchased another cow, a bull, and 10 sheep and goats. Thanks to Arvand, he significantly grew his business and improved his living conditions.

Now, Malik wants to purchase calves, raise them until winter, and sell them for a profit. Since he does not have sufficient cash on hand, Malik once again approached Arvand. Malik has high hopes for recurring help from Arvand and offers thanks in advance for their support.

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Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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