A loan helped to buy a microwave and supplies for making meals.

María Rosa's story

Rosa is one of the oldest clients in our portfolio. For family reasons, she was always linked to business activities. When she got married, she stopped working to dedicate herself to raising her 5 children. When they started school, she decided that she had to resume business so that she could help support the household expenses and also because it is very important for her to have economic independence and freedom. Now her children are professionals and economically independent. She has a doctor, and accountant, and a publicist. But she says that she is busy, that having a business gives you life, makes you feel useful and alive and she is almost 70 years old.
She provides food to a school and has been doing this for more than 5 years. Working with the children gives her energy and vitality.
Her business enables her to have a peaceful old age with the savings and income to meet her needs.
Her business has one more employee and a married girl who isn't in school works with her and the salary that Rosa pays her enables her to support her 2 children. This is a customer with a great history and ethic of repayment.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Alison Hynd.

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