Leocadia, 63 years old, is a hardworking woman. She lives with her husband Felix, which whom she has five children, of whom she only lives with her daughter, Yessenia, whom they have cared for in the house that they bought 35 years ago. They work every day, without fail, for the good of their family. She wants to give them a better quality of life.
Her work centers on farming and the bricklaying work her husband does, which is where they get the money to pay for household expenses and needs. But the work that she enjoys the most is crocheting blankets and bedspreads by hand. She says that thanks to her good taste and the art that she inherited from her parents, she has many orders. She has punctual customers who pay in advance so she is able to make her blankets that are used for decoration as well as for protection from the cold. This is why they are made from alpaca wool.
Now she wants to improve her creations to be able to sell more. This is the second loan with Kiva, and she is grateful for the financial support provided that allows her to succeed. Leocadia will invest the S/.1000 soles in the purchase of alpaca wool wholesale to continue her crocheting because she has many orders.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.