A loan helped to buy rice, oil and meat, among others.

Luz's story

Luz, 21, is a young, kind, very hardworking woman; she’s single and has a little boy. She lives in her parents’ house with her family.

The activity Luz carries out is selling food that’s typical of the zone as well as grilled meats like chicken, pork and fish. To do so, she sets up a table in front of her house and from there kindly and cordially tends to her customers. She’s been in this business for about three years and her mother helps her prepare the dishes and to take care of customers who for the most part are her neighbors and passersby. She currently provides breakfasts for the employees at a nearby sawmill.

She likes her business because it makes it possible for her to earn income to cover household expenses and her small son’s needs that is her motivation to continue making progress. What she doesn’t like, on the other hand, is when the price of ingredients rises thus cutting into her profits but even so she manages to make profits from her sales. She plans to continue with her business and to keep it going expanding it with better tables and chairs to provide more comfort for her customers.

On this occasion she will ask for 3,500 soles and she’s very happy that she’ll have financial support to continue forward. On the other hand, she commits once again to make her payments punctually. She will use the requested amount to buy all the ingredients like rice, oil, potatoes and others needed to prepare the dishes.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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