A loan helped to pay for forage for feeding the livestock and fertilizer for land cultivation.

Nelli's story

Nelli is involved in agriculture. She keeps a cow, 30 chickens and owns agricultural land, where she cultivates wheat and tomatoes and grows a variety of trees (peach, apricot, cherry, plum, nut, apple and pear).

Nelli is a mother of three sons who, jointly with their mother, are running a farm. They work hard to gather good harvests and their father sells it locally.

The income from the agricultural business is very important for Nelli and her family and she would like to expand it. Nelli has applied for this loan to purchase forage for feeding the livestock and fertilizer, which is very important for the successful cultivation of the land.

The loan is very important for Nelli to enlarge her farm and gather more income.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details