A loan helped to buy building materials to build a new house for his son.

Ismoil's story

Ismoil is an honest, purposeful, and very hardworking person. For eleven years, he has been farming and raising livestock. His wife and children help him. His oldest son has gone to the Russian Federation for work; he will earn money there and send it home to feed the family and help his father continue his business. They live in an old house. Ismoil has been wanting to build a new house for several years, but has been unable to due to a lack of money. Now his son is grown, and Ismoil will soon host a wedding celebration for him. But first they need to build a good house for his son and daughter-in-law to live in. Of course his son also left for Russia this year, but the money he has sent to his father is not enough to build a house. They have some livestock animals, and Ismoil's wife sells kefir and milk at the local market. Ismoil has requested a loan to build a new house, and he is very eagerly awaiting your kind assistance.

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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