A loan helped a member to buy vegetables, fruit, bulk grocery items, noodles and other items.

Mujeres Unidas Group's story

This group, founded in the city of Curuguaty, is called “The United Women”. They are beginning their first loan cycle. They are united in order to help their families grow. They are women leaders of their families that have decided to grab the reins and move forward.
One of the members of the group is Mrs. Justina. She has a small grocery store that has a good variety of items. Because of her business and her own efforts, she has been able to progress. Today it is more difficult to compete but she keeps up her efforts to grow the business and succeed.
She is asking for this loan in order to buy vegetables, fruit, bulk grocery items, noodles and other items. In this way she can have a good variety of items in her business. She can then help her family and also fulfill her customer’s requests.

In this group: María, María, Alicia, María, Tomasa, Juana, Agustina, Justina, Blanca, Agripina, Luciana, Brígida, Mirta, Rumilda

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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