A loan helped to buy toiletries and personal hygiene products.

Angela's story

Ángela, age 60, lives in the city of Barranquilla. She has been selling products through specialized guides and catalogs since the year 1998. She started her business when she believed it was necessary to work at some business activity in order to help with the household expenses and to support her husband, who sells fish.

The products that she offers are creams, colognes, perfumes, deodorants, and cosmetics, among other merchandise. She sells on credit, and she buys for cash. Ángela visits her clientele daily. She tends to her business from eight in the morning until six in the evening.

Her goal for later on is to open a place to the public and to finish her minor daughter’s education. Therefore, her current goal is to increase her sales. Her greatest challenge is having sufficient working capital in order to manage to do so.

That is exactly the reason that she turns to a Kiva loan, her first loan with the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. She will use the loan to buy products that her customers have ordered. She will buy toiletries and personal hygiene products.

With this investment Ángela plans to increase her purchasing capacity, to increase her offer of products, and to generate new profits. She will do this in order to make her Kiva loan a successful investment.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ginny Kalish.

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