The group Kotankègnè comprises ten women who are married for the most part in monogamous families. The women average 43 years of age and five children each, all living in the village of Ouolobougouni, in Commune de Konodimini, in Région de Ségou (4th administrative region of the Republic of Mali). The women have small-scale businesses involving milk of all sorts and products.
With the goal of increasing their business capital, the group members joined the Soro Yiriwaso loan program and are now on their first solidarity loan cycle.
Ms. Sirantou (the woman standing second from the left in the photo) is a major seller of milk in and around the village of Ouolobougouni. She intends to use her loan to purchase 250 liters of milk from livestock farmers in town. The sales are made in cash or on credit to a customer base composed of men and women.
With this loan, Ms. Sirantou hopes to make an average monthly profit of 15,000 francs CFA that will be used for reinvesting in her business in order to help out her husband meeting the needs of the family.
In this group: Sirantou, Dayi, Fatoumata, Magnini, Baminè, Hawa, Tata, Baissa, Alimata Madou, Oumou Brema
Translated from French by Kiva volunteer Daniel Kuey. View original language description.