A loan helped to buy a combine for his transportation business.

Shafozil's story

Shafozil is a young, energetic and cheerful person. He is 28 years old. He is married and has three children. His children Afshin and Shahbonu are still small. His wife Mutriba is a homemaker and is busy raising the children. Shafozil is the sole breadwinner for the family.

For more than six years, he has been involved in taxi services, and also agricultural transportation services, like tractor and combine. He wants to develop his business and thus increase revenue. He plans to use the income to buy new technology for his children. Since he lives in a remote region, he wants his children to grow up informed, keeping up with the modern developing world. He is asking for a loan to buy a combine.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Russian by Kiva volunteer JD Bergeron.

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