A loan helped to purchase another buffalo.

Bilqees's story

Ms Bilqees is a 42-year-old, married woman, who has been doing a business of selling milk for the past three years. She has one buffalo in milk, and she sells its milk to many of her neighbors. Her business is good enough for her to afford a decent life. She has two children, and both of them are school-going. She is very motivated to provide them a beautiful life, with good education, food and clothing. She has improved her business to meet the day-to-day expenses of life. Her husband is working on daily wages, but his income, alone, is not enough to meet household expense.

This is her second year with Kashf Foundation; she is happily running her business with the support of Kashf financing. Now she has requested a loan of PKR 25,000, which she will use to purchase another buffalo. She hopes to get an increase in milk production capacity, which will ultimately help in generating more cash.

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