A loan helped to purchase a milking cow.

Vano's story

Vano is 47 years old. He lives in a small village near the Gardabani District with his wife and five children. Vano has requested loans from local financial institutions several times for a family business start-up, but has had no success. His loan requests were always rejected, due to his low income and his family’s poor living conditions.

The only source of income for the family is trading. In particular, Vano purchases iron at wholesale prices and then resells at a higher price. However, it is hardly enough to pay for food for the family. According to Credo estimations, the family belongs to the subsistence poor category.

Vano requested a loan from Credo to start-up a family business. His loan request was approved within the frames of a new joint initiative of Kiva and Credo. The Start-up loan program envisages the provision of business start-up and re-startup credits with soft conditions to country rural poor, who do not have access to credit products, being regarded as “high risk borrowers” because of their low income.

With the received credit Vano will purchase a milking cow so the family can produce dairy products to sell. This will increase the family's income. The new business initiative, financed with the Kiva Start-up loan will significantly improve the living conditions of Vano's family.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details