A loan helped to repair her tractor and build a hothouse.

Muy's story

Muy and her husband came to the United States as refugees in 1981. They were farmers in Cambodia and in 1998, with the help of Fresno EOC Refugee Services microloan program, they started farming again on 15 acres. They continued farming together until 2010 when her husband passed away, at which point she let the farm go. She struggled with health issues during this time and her two daughters moved home to care for her.

In 2012, Muy was recovering and began to farm again on six acres. She sells her produce at the San Jose Swap Meet each week. During the winter months, she buys produce at wholesale prices to sell at the swap meet. She also delivers produce to restaurants in her box truck. During the summer, she is able to eliminate the purchase of produce by harvesting from her farm.

The purpose of this loan is to help Muy build a small hot house, which will extend her growing season, and to help her repair her tractor so that she doesn't have to pay others for tractor work.

Loan details

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