A loan helped to buy gas, a pipette, grills and a set of driers for corn cakes.

Gloria Magdalena's story

Gloria is 53 years old and spent the biggest part of her life living in the countryside. Her husband was a butler in a country house but fourteen years ago, they were displaced from their home due to violence violence and they came to the city. However financial problems became a real headache for the family so Gloria started to make corn cakes in order to help her husband with the household costs and to pay for their seven children's education. The cost of life in the city was much higher and with little education they were unable to earn enough to pay for basic necessities.

Now Gloria works at home from 3am to 10am every day. She makes the cakes and then sells them onto neighbours and some nearby shops.

Gloria's biggest dream is to turn her business into a real micro-enterprise in order to improve her family's standard of living and to be able to provide work to others in her area. For this reason she is applying for a loan that she will use to buy gas, a pipette, grills and a set of driers for the corn cakes - these items will allow her to increase her production.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Iain Gaw.

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