A loan helped to buy a computer.

Dania Veronica's story

Dania is a 21-year-old woman who lives in the city of Ica with her parents and siblings. She loves her family and they mean the world to her. Dania is a very kind, hard-working, enthusiastic person who has a great desire to improve herself. Unfortunately, owing to a lack of financial resources and the need to work in order to help her family, Dania was unable to study for a degree in Business Administration as she wanted to. In her free time, she enjoys listening to music and also sometimes cooks delicious 'tallarines rojos' (red spaghetti) to share with her family.

Through her own initiative, and with a lot of hard work and determination, Dania set up her own small business providing a printing service. She also sells stamps. Dania works every day, from early in the morning, and works for approximately 10 hours. She believes that her business is doing well owing to her good prices and the payment terms she offers her customers.

Dania is very grateful to Kiva lenders because, thanks to their help, she will be able to buy a computer which will help her a lot in her printing work and other related tasks. This will enable her to continue working hard and achieve her dream of becoming a successful professional.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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