A loan helped to buy milk, noodles, milk, sugar, vegetables, meat, and other products.

Efren's story

Sr. Efren is from Ciudad del Este. He is married to Sra. Teresa and they have two young children who are in primary school. Both he and his wife are merchants who manage a food pantry in their home. They work together and help another so that they can move forward. The products that they sell the most are offered in bulk such as sugar, milk, rice, and oil. Their shop is established in a good location within their district. Thanks to their work, they are able to provide an education for their children and buy everything they need for the home.

Efren is requesting a loan in order to buy milk, noodles, milk, sugar, vegetables, meat, and other products so that he can continue making sales and offering variety to his customers. In the photo, he is seen with his wife Sra. Teresa.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ronan Reodica.

Loan details

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Loan details