A loan helped to buy urea, liquid herbicide, and insecticide.

Onide Roberto's story

Roberto is 46 years old and is in a common law marriage with his wife. They have 6 children and live in the city of Ventanas in the Province de los Ríos.

The Bendición de Dios communal bank is located in the community of Rancho Grande in the Puerto Pechiche parish. There people work in farming and raising livestock.

Roberto is a farmer and grows corn and rice. He also raises animals such as chickens, ducks, pigs and turkeys. He is asking for the loan to buy urea, liquid herbicide, and insecticide.

With the help of the loan, he will buy what he needs to farm. He will make his purchases in Ventanas.

His dream is to get ahead thanks to the loans that the cooperative gives. His challenge is not having his own capital. In his free time, he likes to play sports.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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