A loan helped a member to purchase hybrid seed and fertilizer for the cultivation of maize, millet and sorghum.

Anaweza Group's story

Benedeta is pictured on the right with her hand raised amongst her Anaweza Group members. The six of them, all women, are farmers in Chwele District. Farming inputs, consisting of the necessary materials to plant ½ acre of maize, millet and sorghum, will be delivered to Benedeta on credit.

Benedeta first enrolled with One Acre Fund during the 2011 Long Rains and is now preparing to be a One Acre Fund farmer during the 2013 Long Rains season. She joined One Acre Fund in order to receive farm inputs on time and grow enough food for the family.

Prior to joining One Acre Fund, Benedeta was only able to harvest 7 bags of maize per acre, but after joining One Acre Fund during the Long Rains 2012, she was able to harvest 25 bags per acre! She hopes that her profits from the 2013 Long Rains season can be used to buy clothes and for poultry farming.

Benedeta’s group members will each receive input loans of ½ acre during the 2013 Long Rains season. In total, they will receive inputs for 3 acres of maize and sorghum.

In this group: Benedeta, Elizabeth, Nancy, Dorine, Everlyne, Gladys

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details