A loan helped to buy fertilizers, seeds, and agricultural technologies to increase maize yields.

Saade's story

Saade, 50, from Kwatau village, is a mother of 10 and provides for her family with what she earns from her farm. Saade joined Babban Gona because she was tired of getting low crop yields year after year and of not being able to earn enough to provide for her family and their needs. Of her 10 children, only two are currently in school because Saade lacks the resources to pay for all 10 of their school fees.

Saade is excited to be a member of Babban Gona as she now has better tools and instruments to work her land. By receiving a Babban Gona loan, Saade has the opportunity to reap yields three times as high as the national average and earn at least three times as much as the average Nigerian farmer. As a Babban Gona member, she understands the importance of using the right inputs to obtain better yields from her farm and appreciates the fact that she now has a means to access them. A Babban Gona loan will provide her with seeds, fertilizers and technologies to increase the productivity of her land and treat her maize so that it is toxin-free. In addition, a Babban Gona loan will allow Saade the means to store her crops as well as the ability to sell them at a premium market price. The larger profits from a better harvest will enable Saade to send more of her children to school. She looks forward to the day when she is earning enough money to be able afford for all of her children to receive an education.

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