A loan helped to buy fertilizer, manure and fumigation pumps for her coffee crop.

Nokeira Marilu's story

Nokeira is a 29 year old woman. She is single and takes care of her home and grows coffee. Her father, who grew coffee his whole life, left her some property so she could work and generate income to support herself and cover her expenses. She lives with her mother, who taught her to be an honest and hardworking person, since she is an example for her whole family and the community. Nokeira finished primary school and was unable to keep going to school due to a lack of resources.

Now Nokeira is asking for help to buy fertilizer, manure, and fumigation pumps, which will help her to keep her crop healthy and free of any pests or diseases that can destroy it, such as blight.

Her goal is to have a good harvest that will allow her to generate income and make her dream come true of having a micro-business which will be to buy coffee and sell it ground up for consumption, to add to her crops.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Ellen Donohue.

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