A loan helped purchase agricultural supplies, pay for labor and well hoses to transport water.

María De Jesús's story

María is 34 years old, married and has three children ages 6, 9 and 18. She lives with her father and three children and does all the household chores. Her family grows pipían [a squash variety] for a living.
She lives on a hill and in order to buy supplies she has to walk down the hill because it is not accessible by animal or vehicle. She then has to take a bus for the 24 kilometer trip to the city.
She is requesting a loan through Fundación Campo to buy agricultural supplies (sulfate and pesticides), labor to plant 7,000 square meters of corn and 10 well hoses to transport the water with a borrowed motor. With the loan they will be able to get their work done on time and ensure that their family is fed. They will also be able to sell some since they have little work and few resources. She says that in the region where she lives there is a high demand for pigs and she hopes to be able to dedicate more time to this activity.

Translated from Spanish.

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