A loan helped to attend a beauty fair to improve her skills and to buy necessary cosmetics and tools for her beauty business.

Fatima's story

Fatima is a 25-year-old, single woman who has been working in the beauty field for 12 years. Fatima was only 13 years old when she first started working to help her parents in making their living and improving their income.

In 2010, Fatima started her own business and she is very proud of herself because she made this step forward.

To improve any business these days, everyone needs an external push. Fatima chose a youth loan provided by Kiva's partner, Al Majmoua Lebanese Association for Development, to be this external push. The loan will be be invested in a training fair Fatima would like to attend to improve her skills and in buying necessary tools and beauty cosmetics to develop her business as much as she can, to keep on attracting new customers.

Loan details

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