A loan helped to mulch his banana plantation.

John's story

John is an adult of 28 years who is married and has two children.

John is an orphan who lost his parents when he was still young. This has made him work hard in his life to make ends meet. As a result, he has been able to start up a small retail shop that earns him income daily and has even bought land on which he has planted bananas. He supplements his income with teaching.

John has so many orphans to take care of. He pays tuition for his brothers and sisters and also caters for their other needs, and he has a desire to see them finish their educations and become responsible citizens in future, something that makes him work even harder, he says.

This is his second loan. Its purpose is to mulch his banana plantation. John hopes to improve his banana plantation, which will be used for a demonstration farm and as a source of job creation. John's biggest problem, however, is limited capital and price fluctuations that affect his profitability. But with this facility offered to him, he is optimistic that he will solve them and gradually become a successful farmer.

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