A loan helped a member to buy construction materials for her residential house.

Tebuyoleka Group's story

This women's group is found in the outskirts of the city and consists of women who formed it with an aim of eradicating poverty from their families. Juliet, a 27-year-old is a single mother of a 4-year-old who has just started kindergarten.She sells electricals--a business she started a year ago with the help of funds from a friend and later additional funds from Ugafode Micro-finance Ltd. Juliet had dropped out of school four years back because her peasant parents could not afford money for her tuition.

With her little savings from the business Juliet bought a small piece of land on which she now wants to begin construction with the loan funds she is acquiring. She hopes that when the house is complete, she will be free from the burden of renting and will use that money to pay tuition for her son.

Juliet is faced with challenges of insecurity because thieves steal her goods in the night at times. However she is persistent and confident that all this will change and her business will grow to self-sustainability.The ninth person is the group chairperson who is not taking out a loan this cycle but signed a waiver form.

In this group: Rose, Juliet, Sylivia, Gertrude, Musa, Sonia, Jane, Prossy

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details