A loan helped a member to purchase four types of local pigs.

Daya Pertiwi Group's story

Daya Pertiwi Group got a loan for the 8th time; the number of members totals 15, and the total loan is for 30M IDR. Having been successful with pig fattening, Dewa Ayu will use this loan to purchase four types of local pigs for pork roll; the pigs will be maintained for two months. The remainder of the loan will be used to fix the cage for the preparation of a new birth from the sow that she already owns. The price of pig feed is currently very expensive, but she remains optimistic about this business going forward. With all the benefits she receives, she plans to repair the home and also save for the future of her family.

In this group: Ni Made, Ni Kadek, Ni Nyoman, Ni Nengah, Ni Ketut, Ni Luh, Ni Kadek, Ni Ketut, Ni Komang, Ni Ketut, Ni Luh, Ni Ketut, Ni Ketut, Ni Luh, Dewa Ayu

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