Esther is 37 years old, is married to Nildo, with whom she has two daughters: Mayli and Gabriela. This family lives in their own home located in a rural district. She works in agriculture as it is her principal economic activity. She has been working for about 8 years planting the gladiolus flower, peas, potatoes and carrots. What she likes most about her work is to be able to sell her crops because she can see the fruit of so much effort. Once a month she travels to the capital of the country to sell the gladiolus flowers that she plants. For the future this hardworking woman wants to continue planting in greater quantities. “Plant everything that is profitable, upon harvesting each product each month, profit is obtained and thus one can cover the main expenses,” she mentions.
The season for planting peas is approaching, for that she needs help because she doesn’t want to be left behind. This persevering woman intends to start a few fields of potatoes, corn and peas, for that she needs help. This is her 7th loan with MFP. She mentions that she will pay the installments responsibly. She belongs to the communal bank “Los Picaflores de Patay” (The Hummingbirds of Patay) where she feels comfortable, having members whose goals are similar. With the requested 3800 (PEN), she will invest in the purchase of potato, corn and gladiolus flower seeds. She will have 1000 soles (PEN) left over with which she intends to purchase bags of organic fertilizer.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.