Epifania is fifty-two years old and is married to Paulino, who is fifty-eight years old. She has the pride of having offered the best to her children, who are now older and are responsible and hardworking people. She has a home made of adobe.
Since she was very young, she has made a living in the production of organic cacao and evergreen plants. She carries out her work on a plot of land that she acquired thirty-five years ago from her parents. Her work normally necessitates hiring day laborers, since her plantations are of a considerable size.
Her job very much pleases her; it is an activity that she has performed nearly her entire life and she feels worthy of carrying out the work of her family.
Since the rainy weather is constant in this time of year, she hopes to have capital so that she can proceed in applying the fertilizer to her trees. The humid earth facilitates the absorption of the nutrients that the organic fertilizer possesses.
Her future plans include building her home from a more noble material. This is her first loan with MFP, and she is thankful for the opportunity. She is very happy and committed to her work.
She requires this first loan of 1,000 soles to buy sacks of organic fertilizer, so that she can then proceed in applying it to her cacao plantations.
Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized. View original language description.