A loan helped a member to buy 10 cans (20L) and 10 buckets of milk.

Bunvikane Group's story

Madam Dunia is an ambitious woman from the business association Bunvikane. She is 28 years old, mother to 5 children of whom 3 go to school, and is married to a motorcycle driver. Involved in shopkeeping, she is specialized in the sale of fresh milk and curds which she serves at home and at the Mudaka market. She is requesting this new loan to finance the purchase of 10 cans (20L) and 10 buckets of milk as she is already dreaming of becoming a wholesaler and collector/middleman of milk. The client thanks Hekima for having strengthened her shopkeeping.

In this group: Buhoro, Ciza, Baderha, Nalusambo, Nsimire, Furaha, Namurhobo, Nzigire, Mapendo, Mapendano, Dunia, Faida, Safari, Mawazo, Faida, Mapendo, Nzigire, Riziki, Nzigire, Furaha, Ngamiza, Namavu, Ntabugi, Ntabugi, Mushagalusa, Ziraje, Furaha, Ganywamulume

Translated from French by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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