A loan helped a member to purchase tree farm inputs, such as eucalyptus seedlings and fertilizer and to pay for technical training and tree farm maintenance.

Nellious' Group's story

Nellious is the leader of Nellious' Group. She is a 29-year-old farmer and mother of four children. She keeps cattle and grows maize, cassava, and legumes on her farm. Her husband works as an Assistant Chief. The major challenges she faces are drought, pests, and diseases, and she lacks the capital she needs to grow her business.

She decided to join KOMAZA's tree planting program for "an improved standard of living, be it health, education, clothing and housing" for her family. She also hopes to improve her knowledge of farming through the training she will receive from KOMAZA. She plans to use the money she makes from her tree farm to educate her children and build a new house.

Two additional farmers pictured are Kangombe, a KOMAZA-Kiva farmer that will be part of another loan group, and Kache, an interested farmer but she is unable to plant trees with KOMAZA this season.

In this group: Nellious, Masha, Esther, Kenneth, Fatuma, Rahel, Josphine, Michael, Dama, Rahel, Kadzo, Kadzo, Dama, Riziki

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details