A loan helped to invest in work capital and supply her business by buying general merchandise like childrens' clothing and womens' blouses among other products.

Maria Margarita's story

María Margarita is 58 years old, single and the mother of 5 children ages 30, 32, 34, 36 and 38. Her children work and are independent. María has sold new clothes and shoes for 27 years. She works as a traveling salesperson, and apart from this receives help from her children who send remittances from abroad.

She started her business with the goal to survive since she is a single mother and needed to cover the expenses of her childrens' studies. Currently she has the complete support of them and hopes to invest the loan requested in clothing and cosmetics to increase her inventory and through this her earnings. One of her goals is to remodel her home. María is very grateful for the investors from Kiva for the support they offer to people with low incomes.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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