Roselyne is pictured on the right with her hand raised, amongst her Khakakho Group members. The 15 of them, 12 women and 3 men, are farmers in Bungoma South District. Farming inputs will be delivered to her on credit consisting of the necessary materials to plant ½ acre of maize, millet and sorghum. Roselyne is a new One Acre Fund farmer and is excited about the 2013 Long Rains season. She joined One Acre Fund in order to grow enough food for the family and use increased profits to send her children to school.
Roselyne described her harvest last year as poor. She hopes that as a One Acre Fund farmer she will be able to join the ranks of One Acre Fund farmers that have doubled their harvest in their first year of the program. She plans to use the money that she earns from her next harvest to send her children to school and perhaps invest in another business. For the 2013 Long Rains season, Roselyne's group members will take input loans of ½ acre each. In total, this group will receive input loans for use on 7.5 acres of land.
In this group: Adelide, Beatrice, Benjamin, Evans, Felister, Metrine, Rose, Roselyne, Eunice, Francisca, Margaret, Andrew, Eunice, Beatrice, Pamela