A loan helped to repair his boat and buy fishing nets.

Eusebio's story

Eusebio, who is 57 years old, is a very responsible person who has earned his living the same way for many years to support his household: he works as a fisherman. He has been perfecting his fishing over the years, and has shared his knowledge with his children.

Every day, Eusebio goes out in his little motorboat in the very early morning to cast his nets in order to catch the greatest possible quantity of fish, which he will later sell to people in the market.

Eusebio is requesting a loan from INTEGRAL so that he can make repairs to his boat, which is essential for his work. He will also buy more filament and make new nets. With these improvements, Eusebio hopes to have the best conditions for fishing and obtaining better earnings.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Holly Torpey.

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