Sopheap is 49 years old and mother of five children, two of whom are schoolchildren. She lives in Battambang province, Cambodia. Sopheap is a local rice farmer who cultivates five hectares of rice and a half-hectare of sesame. She and her husband are able to earn up to 23,300 KHR per day. Sopheap has been a farmer for 15 years and has borrowed from the Kiva partner VisionFund four times. She has successfully repaid her previous loans and feels confident about progressively improving her lifestyle.
Sopheap is the leader of a three-woman loan group requesting a 1,400,000 KHR loan for each. Sopheap will use her portion to pay a harvesting collection fee and buy fertilizer and seed for her farm. She hopes to harvest her cash crop on time and sell it at a high price to better support her family and keep her children in school.
In this group: Sopheap, Mom, Iy