A loan helped to purchase equipment and tools to start her own hair salon.

Sarantuya's story

Mrs. Sarantuya is 26 years old and lives with her husband and daughter in a small house in Orhon province of Mongolia. Her husband Oyun-Erdene, age 25, works at a local private company. Her daughter Amin-Erdene, age 3, goes to local kindergarten.

Mrs. Sarantuya graduated from a hairstylist course in 2001 and started working in a big hair salon in 2002. She has gained a lot of experience and customers over the years and is now planning to start her own hair salon in a rental place. She is now requesting 2,000,000 MNT to purchase equipment and tools to start her own hair salon. She is hardworking, open-minded and modest.

Loan details

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