A loan helped to buy shelves for his restaurant.

Jorge Antonio's story

Jorge is a hard-working person. He is single. More than four years ago, he started working in public transportation, an activity that covered the expenses he incurred. It could be seen that Jorge is a person with a lot of dreams, which is evident in the other work that he does of selling food in a restaurant. He tells us that he is requesting a loan to be able to buy a pair of shelves to be able to display his soft drinks and to improve his location's presentation. This will help him be able to implement his new business that he has. He does this work with much effort, dedication, and pleasure. He will continue to do this work parallel to his work driving a taxi. He tells us that the loan offered to him will help him improve his income and to improve his business and quality of life.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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