A loan helped to buy cosmetics, household appliances, and jewelry.

Martha's story

Martha is 38 and lives with her husband by common law and her three-year-old daughter in the city of Soledad. Here, she has her own business selling various products like small household appliances, jewelry, and cosmetics. She started this business in 2006 when a friend invited her to become a saleswoman. Little by little, she grew her customer base, the diversity of the items she sells, and her infrastructure. Her dream is to contribute to her home. Her family was her maximum motivation to support herself in the market and to face the first natural challenges as she started her business. Currently, she is known in the area and neighboring areas. A large number of these people have become her best customers. They buy from her directly on credit and/or with cash. They also refer new buyers to her, which increases her daily sales. Currently she is applying for a Kiva loan, the first financing that she has had through the Fundación Mario Santo Domingo. She will use it to buy merchandise to fill the orders she has for Christmas and New Year's parties. She will buy cosmetics, household appliances, and jewelry. With her Kiva loan, she will gain a lot and make the most of the circulation of money where she lives.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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