A loan helped a member to pay harvesting fees and to buy fertilizer plus seeds.

Chaan's Group's story

Chaan, a widowed mother of five children and 48 years old, is a local farmer originally from Moung Russey district of Cambodia. She has two and a half hectares for growing paddy rice and one and a half hectares of farmland for growing sesame. Her daily income is about 23,000 KHR from the business that she has been with for 10 years, to cover the daily basic needs of her family. Chaan has been with VisionFund four times including this cycle. The past loans have provided her with working capital for supporting her business and improving her livelihood. Now, she has joined a group consisting of three female members. As the leader, she will spend her portion to pay harvesting fees and to buy fertilizer plus seeds for her farmland. She does believe that this prompt loan will keep a good growth of her business and provide her with triple productivity.

In this group: Chaan, Vy, Chen

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details