A loan helped to buy a new line of earrings.

Paula Andrea's story

Paula Andrea, 20, conducts herself like a great entrepreneur. Seven months ago she and her boyfriend decided to set up a store to sell accessories in the main park in the town of Bello, Antioquia, Colombia.

"My son is my main motivation, the force that drives me to get ahead. Having set up my own business allows me to pay attention to him all the time." With these words Paula explains where she got the idea to create a business. She's affirms that her biggest dream is to be able to strengthen her business so she can give her 18-month-old baby a decent life.

She's requesting a loan to buy a new line of stock and expand her product portfolio. She's hoping sales will increase and generate greater income, which she'll invest again in her business with the goal of strengthening her endeavor.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer Catharine Wall.

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