A loan helped a member to buy materials for building a decent latrine.

Vanna's Group's story

Vanna is age 52 and living in a rural area of the Sa Ang district of Kandal province, Cambodia. She has nine children. She has been selling rice soup, and her husband supplements the family’s income through working for others for a fee. They have been in this business for 10 years. She is able to earn about KHR 7,000 per day.

Vanna has been with VisionFund for three cycles while the other member has been with VisionFund for four cycles. Vanna completely paid back the past loans which have helped her to relieve her family’s burden. Now she is leading her group to apply for a loan. As the leader, she is going to use her portion to buy materials for building a decent latrine. She hopes this loan will enable her to have a healthy latrine for her family to use.

In this group: Vanna, Pheakdey

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