A loan helped to make improvements to his business location.

Cristian's story

Cristian invested his previous Kiva loan into updating his computers and he gained more customers because the equipment was no longer slow and his customers are better satisfied. During the loan period, he made some improvements to his home and also celebrated the birth of his two nephews, with whom he wants to share as news from the family that makes him happy.

His message to the Kiva lenders is of great appreciation in the name of people with disabilities. It’s because of this that they have been able to get ahead and make their payments on time. He is asking for a new Kiva loan with which he will make some improvements to the floors at his business location. This will make it easier for him to move around in this special chair; the current floor is faulty and has ruts.

Translator profile picture

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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