A loan helped to add more stock to her business, e.g., maize flour, sugar, packets of sweets, crates of bread, and cooking fat.

Stella's story

Stella is 25 years old and married with three children of the following ages" five years, seven years and three years old. Her spouse runs a small business which generates some income for the family. She runs a retail shop and she has been in business for three years. Her monthly income from the business is KES 27,200.

She is borrowing a loan of KES 35,000. She plans to add more stock to her business, e.g., maize flour, sugar, packets of sweets, crates of bread, and cooking fat, all for sale. Stella plans to plough back the anticipated profit from the business.

This is her third loan and she successfully repaid her previous loans. Her hopes and dreams are to educate her children.

Loan details

Lenders and lending teams

Loan details