A loan helped to buy more chicken.

Ruth's story

Ruth is a 23-year-old single woman who has a great reason for living: her 3-year-old daughter Sayuri. She has a desire to excel which she hopes to fulfill some day. Three years ago she began selling chicken at a local retail market, thanks to the stall her mother gave to her.

She explains that she chose this activity because it was an easy way to get started as a merchant, and because chicken is one of the products that the local population consumes the most. Very early in the morning, she goes to the chicken supply and selection centers. In order to continue doing her work, she would like to have backup capital to buy more chicken, keeping her business well supplied to deal with the constant fluctuation in prices.

One of Ruth's dreams for the future is to pursue higher education and become a secretary, since her desire to excel means improving her daughter’s quality of life. This is her third loan; each one has been a great tool to get her business on the right tracks so that she can make a living from it in the future. As to her colleagues from the communal bank, she is pleased that the group is growing with time; it means that things are going very well. She will invest the 3,000 nuevos soles in buying chickens, so that her business is supplied.

Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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