A loan helped to buy supplies.

María Monserrate's story

The La Sequita communal bank meets every two weeks in the Sequita parrish, part of the Montecristi Prospero settlement, full of hardworking, dedicated people proud of their roots. La Sequita is a parrish where its inhabitants are honest people who only know how to work and be devoted to their families.

Maria lives here. She is 25 years old, married, and has a three year old son. Her husband works as a cabinetmaker.

Maria is asking for this loan so that her husband can use it in his business. He has a cabinet workshop at home, where he does a lot of woodworking and makes furniture, chairs, doors, beds, and other things. He works Monday through Saturday from 8:00 am to 5:00 pm and sometimes on Sundays when he has orders to deliver. He does jobs for people who visit his establishment and also delivers to warehouses in Manta and Portoviejo. He buys the lumber from a lumberyard in Manta, where he finds quality lumber for quality work.

The money from this loan will be used to buy lumber, paint, sealants, and other supplies for his work. [Maria] has been with the communal bank for more than eight years and she likes the additional benefits offered by the institution.

Her dreams are to have a well-built house and to get ahead with her family.

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Translated from Spanish by Kiva volunteer anonymized.

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